Helping us stay informed
What is a Block Captain?
Block captains are asked a few times a year to help distribute MHNA flyers and surveys of people’s top issues to their neighbors.
They can also help alert us to filming in the area, so we can collect our requested fees from production companies.
How do I sign up?
To volunteer or get more information, email MHNA.
Block captains (see map below)
Rosey Bell
Heidi Bender
Suzie Boyer
Sue Colton
Barbara Cser
Annette Drey
Erika Foy
Sharon Freeark
Steve Higginbotham
Jane Laudeman
Page Malloy
Elana McInerny
Ryan Panzarello
Kate Seley
Roxanne Tomayo
Kathy Wales
Block Captains Map
As of 5/5/17